The Power of Present Awareness

My Journey to Breaking Free from Autopilot Living using Biofeedback & EFT Tapping

🎙️ This blog post is inspired by the Unleash your Potential podcast.

This blog post is part of our podcast show notes collection with the Unleash Your Potential Podcast on Spotify and Apple.

I am thrilled to bring you the highlights and insights from Episode 40 of the "Unleash Your Potential with Maria" podcast, where we dive deep into the importance of being present and owning your power as women in leadership.

I have personally experienced the transformative power of embracing presence in my own life. In this episode, I open up about my journey of self-discovery and share the valuable lessons I've learned along the way.

One key aspect I touch upon is the tendency of many women to prioritize others and neglect themselves, leading to burnout and a lack of self-awareness. It's time for us to break free from this pattern and step into our full potential.

In this episode, I invite you to reflect on your own autopilot tendencies and find ways to be more present. Autopilot can be described as going through the motions without truly being present, living in the future or the past, and conforming to societal norms. Let's break free from these limitations and embrace the power of presence.

To help navigate this journey, I share how the practice of biofeedback has been a game-changer for me. Biofeedback is a tool that allows us to monitor our body's physiological responses to stress in real-time, particularly through heart rate variability. Through this practice, I discovered the impact of stress on my body and witnessed firsthand its transformation into a state of "heart coherence."

Moreover, biofeedback provided tangible evidence of the effectiveness of mindfulness and meditation, something I initially had doubts about. This realization gave me the confidence to integrate these practices into my daily routine and unlock their true potential.

Beyond biofeedback, I have also explored various modalities such as EFT tapping, RRT, RTT, and theta-healing to explore my subconscious mind. Trained in EFT tapping myself, this was a great introductory tool for releasing stress and shifting the subconscious mind. It's incredible how tapping along specific pressure points can facilitate emotional release and help address underlying beliefs and emotions.

Throughout the episode, I dive deeper into the specifics of EFT tapping and share my personal experiences with this technique. The goal here is to go beyond surface-level stress management and access the core beliefs that may be holding us back from fully embracing our leadership potential.

Let’s embark on this journey together, embrace presence, and unleash our full potential as women in leadership. Stay tuned for more empowering episodes, and remember, the power to create change starts within you!

With love and empowerment,

Maria Serbus

👉🏽To learn more listen to this episode on Spotify - Episode 40 of the Unleash Your Potential Podcast.

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As a mom and self-proclaimed high-achieving entrepreneur herself, Maria Serbus is an embodiment coach for women in leadership, a stress management consultant, and a keynote speaker.

To learn more, check out the Unleash your Potential with Maria podcast and grab your copy of the Calm the Chaos E-book guide here.


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